The last two months of this free 500 savedongle contest declared a successful conclusion, Thank you all. Click here>  
[How to backup/restore games save?] [How to update the firmware?] [Video Tutorial by R4woodcenter]
If you'd like to upload your game save and share with others, you can visit our cooperative site:, we set up rewards for those who upload the save. Hey, guys, welcome to join our rewarding activity, share your proud save!

App download sector

File Name Function Download
drivers If you first use SaveDongle, you need to download and install it
(the application program environment bundles)
(include dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe)
SaveDongle backup/restore

SaveDongle Description:

- Support 3DS/NDSI/NDSL
- Fix Save file 8MB issues
- Fix The legend of Zelda

A self-developed application. When you want to backup/restore the game save, you need use it.
How to use third party 3DS save file? How to backup/restore games save?

R4i SaveDongle V1.5.rar [2012-01-19]   [More>>>]
Firmware Uploader A self-developed application. When new firmware released, you need this application to update SaveDongle firmware.
How to update the firmware?
3DSaveTool V0.2b 3DSaveTool can be used to find the XOR key used for encryption and use it to encrypt/decrypt EEPROM savefiles of 3DS games. 3DSaveToolv0.2b-cred.rar
Video Tutorial
by R4woodcenter
R4i SaveDongle use guide will show the beginner on how to use successfully. R4i_Save_Dongle_Use_Guide.flv
PokeGen 3.0.0b30 by This program can be used for Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Black, and White for the following tasks:
- Generating Action Replay codes to create Pokemon or modify the Pokedex, including exporting to an XML file that can be dragged to the Action Replay code manager
- Loading and saving of save files. Pokemon data and Pokedex data can be fully modified.
- Loading and saving of party and PC .pkm files (136, 220, and 236 byte, encrypted and unencrypted)
- Conversion of Action Replay codes into Pokemon information (This is limited.)
- Finding a PID to match IVs, nature, gender, ability, shininess, and hidden power type/power - with variable IVs
- Recalculating a save file checksum (by simply loading it with the ignore checksum option checked, then saving)[2012-01-09]
Save Dongle Review + Pokemon Guide tell you how to edit the save of pokemon by SaveDongle
pokemon black/white editor (English) (Japanese)

V1.5 version  Release Date: 2012-1-19

Firmware Description:

- Support 3DS/NDSI/NDSL
- Fix Save file 8MB issues
- Fix The legend of Zelda

How to use third party 3DS save file?
How to update the firmware?
How to backup/restore games save?

Tutorial: How to Set up your SaveDongle for the first time (Installing firmware) by Shie17

  Technical support enquiry contact :

SaveDongle Functionality

* Fully support 3DS,NDSi,NDSL original game cart.
* Backup game savers from 3DS/NDS/NDSI original game card to PC, to avoid game saver been accidently overwrite.
* Restore game savers backup from PC to 3DS/NDS/NDSI original game cart through USB.
* Editing game savers(level, experience, money etc ...) becomes possible.
* Allow game savers to be share between users.
a. User can share or download game savers from official web site and forums.
b. Game savers sharing allow user jump to certain game level.
* Upgradeable dongle firmware through USB for support new games and new features.
* User friendly software interface to manage the save file.

R4i SaveDongle Review Copyright(C) 2007-2009   
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