Function Comparison

The R4-SDHC and R4i-SDHC are a multifunctional upgrade from the original R4 flash cart, which has enjoyed a great reputation in the global market. It not only has the functions of the original R4, but also has increased capabilities, such as support for the SDHC card. Check the following table for a comparison between the R4 and R4-SDHC.

Other R4 versions
R4/R4i-SDHC of Games-Engine
Core Upgrading Tedious Steps Through Computer Through Wi-Fi Automatically
Game Searching Tedious Steps Through Computer Through Wi-Fi Automatically
Game Download Tedious Steps Through Computer Through Wi-Fi Automatically
Game Management Tedious Steps Through Computer Through Wi-Fi Automatically
Intelligence Unable to recognise or display SD type, capacity or format. Able to recognise and display SD type, capacity and format.
Power Saving No power saving function, more wastage With sleeping mode function, to extend standby time.
Operation Interface With inflexible operation interface. Multi-language setting, simple and easy-operated interface.
Storage Capacity No SDHC support, storage capacity capped at 2GB. Require a high-speed card to function properly. Supports up to 32GB of storage capacity with SDHC cards with enhanced performance even on slower cards.
Compatibility of the game The Support for R4 card is terminated as the team has been dismissed. games released after that is like to be problematic. A capable R4i team commit themselves to the website maintenance and kernel updates, R4-SDHC & R4i-SDHC cards are compatible to all NDS games.
Flexibility The option is set for all game. You can't set option for single one. R4-SDHC&R4i-SDHC supports cheatcode and soft-reset setting on a per-game basis, avoiding possible conflicts.
Cheat code The cheatcode mechanism of R4 was proved to be hard to use for, to the point that prevented many users to use the function properly. The new UI is designed to be easy to use, ensuring smooth gaming experience even for new users.
Multimedia engine The built-in Moohshell 1.61 lacks the new decoding engine present in the newer versions that provides faster decoding and clearer video. It is also more buggy. With the latest Moonshell 2.0 built in the card, R4-SDHC&R4i-SDHC delivers a better multimedia experience with higher decoding performance and better picture quality.
Card Mould The less accurate manufacturing process of the R4 makes it doesn't fit well with the SLOT-1. Sometimes it can cause freeze and other reliability problems. The improved manufacturing process of R4-SDHC&R4i-SDHC ensures a minimal error in size and shape. The card thickness and area of gold-finger is specifically controlled with a error range of less than 0.1mm compared to an original NDS game card. Copyright(C) 2007-2009   
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