Language: English
Updated Date:2009-3-13 18:50:01
Version: 2.00
Because the format of the R4i is 512KB archive, but
the SC; M3; DSLink; Acekard; EZFlash and EWIN2 use
different capacity format archive, which are very
different from the R4i. R4i team develops converting
Software, which can converts the archive (For SC/M3/DSLink/Acekard/EZFlash/EWIN2)
to 512KB archive (For R4i-SDHC), it can harmonize
the conflict perfectly.
2.Installation Guide
There is a pop-up window displayed after running
the software:

There are two textboxes; the top one for inputting
the game archive, and the '...' button can do a convenient
browsing if you can't remember the file name and the
path. Please remember:
the extension of SC archive is .nds.sav;
the extension of M3 archive is .dat;
the extension of DSLink archive is .sav;
the extension of Acekard archive is .nds.sav;
the extension of EZ-Flash4 archive is .sav;
the extension of EWIN2 archive is .sav.
Choose the correct Input file type by clicking the
pull-down menu according the archive, which needs
to be converted.

For examples, two images below display how to choose
input filenames for SC and M3:

The bottom textbox is for outputting R4 archive (When
you choose the input file, it will generate a file
name automatically). You can change the output path
and name if you need, the '...' button can do a convenient
location; default is the same as the input path.

Click the 'Transform' button to process the conversion
once every thing is ready, A pop-up Window will display
the processing status.

Because of the R4i game and the archive always follow
this rule: the file name is the same, and the extension
is .nds.ids or .sav.
So if the original archive name is 0113.nds, and
the converted archive is the 0113.nds, you can just
need to copy the converted archive 0113.sav to the
opposite path of the game, then will be ok, or else
you have to change the converted archive name to keep
them consistency.

Then the converted archive is ready; you
can play SC/M3 archive as R4 archive now!